Thursday, April 8, 2010


One word in the English language has become horribly overused as of late, but when said in certain company, in certain situations, or by certain people in a man's life, still holds an immense meaning and makes that man feel wanted. That word is Brother!

To some of us, in this two-wheeled life, that one word means EVERYTHING. It can mean even more than your given name. Unfortunately, there are many outside "the circle" who feel they too have the right, or privilege, to throw that word around.

We've all been to a bar, talking to people, or even minding our own business, when inevitably some random guy says "How ya doin, Bro?" Now, if I tried to educate every swingin' dick who said that, I'd be pretty damn busy. I tend to let it slide with a dirty look.

To me, and my friends, the word "Brother" is a word of honor and should not be thrown around lightly. It isn't really even just a word. I feel its more a show of love and respect.

I must clarify here. I'm not a patch holder in the MC world, YET. I was, back in the day. And, I am "affiliated", which in itself is a point of pride for me. I have, however, earned the privilege of being called "Brother" by the Brothers I have either from the old club, or my current affiliation. It really is something when I go to visit my friends and hear "How ya doin today, Brother?"

Why is this so important to me? Well, I've spent most of my life as a loner. Never had too many friends, at least not ones I could trust, anyway, and my blood family is very small. And I've spent the last few years earning the respect and love of those who call me Brother, so it means the world to me.

What does it take to be a good Brother? It takes way more than just sewing a pretty colored patch set on your leathers, that's for sure. To me, being a good Brother means if someone calls in the middle of the night needing help, you're putting your boots on while still on the phone and you're out the door the second you hang up. It means helping out at a party, without being asked. These are just two examples that were floating through my mind. Oh! And, in my case, it means putting others before yourself.

I've been thinking, for many years, about joining the "Nation" that I'm affiliated with, but was always a little bit on the fence. That is, until this past summer when I went to a funeral for a good Brother. Seeing all the love that was shown to this fine human being got me off my fence! Of course, now there seems to be things going down that are beyond my control, so I still have to wait it out. But I will still be the best supporter I can be! Because I know that I'm already considered a "Brother" by those who matter most in my life.


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