Saturday, July 19, 2008

After The Rain...

I don't remember the date for this one. But its a fun tale, anyway.

It was a slightly rainy afternoon one Saturday in June. OH shit! I just made that sound like a poem! Anyhoo! My Ol lady, Mystry, and I were sitting at home being bored. We actually had some cash handy, so I suggested maybe we go on a "supper" ride.

We have a couple friends in Mitchell, SD we haven't seen in a bit, so we decided to ride down there to the restaurant they both work at.

It had just stopped raining minutes before. It was one of them nice rains. Not a torrential downpour, but just a nice bit just enough to get the road wet and make the air smell that nice smell.

So, we fired up the "Wing" and hit the road for a nice 40 mile run. Thanks to the rain, the temp was nice and cool and the air smelled fresh. A great ride!

Well, it was great until I hit Highway 38 east of Mitchell. That road SUCKS! A tip to all you readers headed for Sturgis this next couple weeks, stay off that stretch of road!! I-90 is just a couple miles down, so stay on that.

We hit Mitchell and got to the restaurant and talked to our friends. After a nice steak dinner, we decided we'd crash at their place that night.

Before they got off work, we decided to ride downtown to my favorite bar in Mitchell, The Jackpot, I highly recommend it! There was supposed to be a "fox hunt" contest put on by a local radio station, but that took way to damn long. We got to our friends' place around midnight.

Had a great ride back, too! Got home and took a long nap. lol

Stay tuned for more road stories!

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